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References - Arbitration Electricity
Work carried out | Region | Client |
EKON was retained by a Spanish market agent involved in a PPA contract dispute with a third party. In collaboration with Games Economics, Kim Keats prepared a report that rebutted the claims of the third party's expert witness. Parties reached an out-of-court settlement. | SPAIN | Market Agent |
EKON was retained by an American Investment fund to provide independent expert advise and carry out a damage impact assessment on a portfolio of mini hydro assets in Spain to determine the impact of a number of retroactive regulatory changes implemented by the Spanish Government since the acquisition date. We used our Rinv calculator to determine the regulated income under different projected pool price scenarios. | SPAIN | Invesment Fund |
EKON carried out the damage assessment of the regulatory changes implemented by the Spanish Government that have impacted on the economic viability of a portfolio of solar PV assets owned by an international investment fund in southern Spain. Our work included quantifying the damage of each of the changes and providing our expert opinion on the ideal route to arbitration, the end result of the work has been an expert report based on our financial model that includes the Rinv analysis. | SPAIN | Invesment Fund |
EKON provided litigation support to a large multinational renewable developer in Spain seeking damages arising from the introduction of retroactive changes in the Spanish regulatory framework applicable to its Spanish wind business. The work included economic analysis of the damage to the base case of our client’s investment and the drafting of an expert report. | SPAIN | Renewables developer |
Our experts were in charge of the valuation of 4 wind farms in order to provide an independent expert opinion in a litigation process as a result of a breach of contract in an SPA. | SPAIN | Wind Farm Developer |
Our experts helped the client in the renegotiation of the gas contract in order to increase the load factor. | SPAIN | Utility |
Our experts helped the investor to prepare a competitive bid for the acquisition of solar PV assets in Spain and Italy. | SPAIN / ITALY | International Invesment Fund |
We helped our client understand the financial impact of certain key regulatory changes in the Spanish Energy sector. Our findings were used as part of an expert report in an arbitration proceeding where our experts gave testimony. | SPAIN | Cogeneration Operating Company |
For a medium sized Solar PV module manufacturer and promoter, our experts assisted in formulating the legal strategy in the run up to the filing of a law suite against the Spanish State relating to the introduction of retroactive changes that have reduced the financial viability of our client’s investment. | SPAIN | Renewables developer |
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